Gas Endeavour III Animal Nutrition

28-0000-03 · Analytical tool for animal nutrition studies

Gas Endeavour III Animal Nutrition is a novel platform designed for the investigation of feed and food quality. This system…


29.900,00 €

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Gas Endeavour III Animal Nutrition is a novel platform designed for the investigation of feed and food quality. This system operates based on an in-vitro gas production method, where the relationship between degradation and fermentative gas production is used to evaluate the nutritional parameters of the feed.This configuration provides a fully automated in-vitroprotocol that relies on efficient and highly accurate analysis for a large number of samples in a single batch test. With 18 channels (250 mL reactors), it enables simultaneous processing of multiple samples, maximizing productivity and throughput.Applications:

  • Continuous monitoring of gas production for the extraction of process kinetic information
  • Determination of feed digestibility and its metabolisable energy content
  • Optimisation of feed composition and nutrient content for livestock
  • Investigation of feed additives or supplements to optimise (ruminal) fermentation
  • Investigation of functional components that may have beneficial effects on methane emissions and / or organic matter digestibility in vivo
  • Screening a large range of feeds or additives before testing these in vivo
  • Comparing different pre-treatments of feed compounds.
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